Quotation Explorer - 'Charles Manson'

The children of the 1960's that you call the 'Manson Family' wanted to stop a war and turn the government and world to peace. They gave their lives when they took lives and they knew it. - Charles Manson
I know this: that in your own hearts and your own souls, you are as much responsible for the Vietnam War as I am for killing these people. - Charles Manson
Total paranoia is just total awareness. - Charles Manson
Animals shouldn’t be hunted and nature shouldn’t be disturbed, even destroyed, to benefit the whims of mankind - Charles Manson
I'm Jesus Christ, whether you want to accept it or not, I don't care. - Charles Manson
From the world of darkness I did loose demons and devils in the power of scorpions to torment. - Charles Manson
Fear of vikings build castles. - Charles Manson
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